The   S O L A R   S Y S T E M

This side contains 2 animated interactive models the planet system.

The model "Planetengroessen" points the material relative importance
of the planets to each other and to the sun.
In each enlargement stage the relative importance corresponds to those nature.
Therefore the sun in the last enlargement stages no more cannot be indicated.
Their size would amount to there large up to 160 m, too for most screens...

The model "Umlaufzeit" shows the movements on the planet courses in quick-motion apparatuses.
Corresponds 1 second to the animation approx.. 6 months in nature (dependent on PC speed).

And after extent and beauty of the planet system moved closer in consciousness,
a play can fetch back again into the reality: "Hau the planets weg!".
And who is not yet completely disillusioned thereafter,
look for the extraterrestial one, which keeps itself hidden in one of the animations.

Have Fun !